Why Your Weight Loss Plan Should Begin with a Visit to Your Doctor Can a Doctor Help Me Lose Weight? Being overweight can have serious consequences on one’s health, and for most people, the best way to shed the...
Sun Protection FAQ’s: Are You A Sun-Savvy Parent? How much do you really know about sunscreen and protecting you and your children from the dangers of sun exposure? Do you know the answers to...
Healthcare Technology and Diabetes Management – The Future is Now! As the ever changing world of technology in healthcare grows, patients are able to be more involved with their healthcare and tracking important...
Adult Vaccinations | Do Adults Need Vaccines? As adults we understand life is hectic and our to-do list seems never ending. Remembering to stay current on vaccinations can easily escape our...
Concussions In Children – Know The Signs! At some point your child will hit his or her head…it’s inevitable. Concussions in children may be harder to identify because...
What is Direct Primary Care and How Does it Work? The rising cost of healthcare and insurance premiums have forced budget-conscious consumers to seek out health insurance alternatives, like health...
Make a New Year’s Resolution that Could Help Lower Blood Pressure or Prevent Hypertension New Year’s; A time to start fresh! Why not bring in the New Year with a resolution that could potentially save your life. A New Year’s...
What’s the Alternative to Health Insurance? When it comes to health insurance, it can feel like you are trapped in a maze with no way out. You need quality medical care, but you want to find...
OnsiteMD to Open a New Direct Primary Care Clinic in Dallas Texas For Immediate Release OnsiteMD to Open a New Direct Primary Care Clinic in Dallas Texas Dallas TX (Nov. 29, 2015) – OnsiteMD will open its doors...